Applying for Global Talent Endorsement through tech nation requires showing evidence that you meet the requirement to be endorsed as an EXCEPTIONAL TALENT or EXCEPTIONAL PROMISE. It is a lot of work for those who are eligible or potentially eligible. I say potentially eligible because you may not currently meet the requirement but you can work towards meeting the criteria if you already work in the digital technology sector.
What document checklist do you need to apply for Tech Nation endorsement for the global talent Visa? For you application to be assessed by tech nation, you need to provide the following documents:
1. Application/Personal Statement: The personal statement (maximum 1000 words in length) should cover the following questions, Why do you want to come to the UK? What is your planned occupation in the UK? Which region or city of the UK are you planning to live in How will the UK digital technology sector benefit from your work? The personal statement should explain the contribution that you will make to the UK digital technology sector. You can give examples of the technological advances you will bring, the creation or new markets, the planned growth of a digital technology company, the activities you will take part in outside of your immediate occupation.
2. CV with any career and publication history included.(not more than 3pages)
3. Three letters of recommendation from three different well-established organisations acknowledged as experts in the digital technology field. Each person who writes a letter for you must be a senior member of their organisation and Know your work. The three letter of recommendation must:
Be about your Global Talent application — you cannot use a letter that was written for another reason
Explain how the author knows the applicant; and
Knows the applicant’s achievements in the relevant field; and
How the author considers the applicant shows exceptional talent or promise; and
the contribution the applicant would make to the UK digital economy.
The letters must also:
Be typed and dated
Be up to 3 single sides of A4 paper, excluding the author’s credentials and contact details
Be signed by the author, or by someone on behalf of the organisation recommending you
Include a telephone number and email address, and the organisation’s logo and registered address.
Come with the author’s CV (or other proof of their credentials that the endorsing body will accept)
4. Up to 10 pieces of evidence in relation to the relevant Eligibility Criteria:
In my next post, I will discuss the mandatory and Optional criteria you need to meet to get endorsed for Global Talent. If you have questions please ask it as a comments.
Written by Francisca Kanayo Chiedu
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